Cooperation Technisches Museum Wien – BARTH GMBH
BARTH GMBH is very pleased regarding the concluded cooperation-agreement with the Technisches Museum Wien (TMW).

The cooperation includes the provision of historical transformers for the extensive TMW-collection in the fields of energydistribution and drive engineering.
Furthermore an animation of a Threephase-Asyncronous-Squirrrelcage-Motor and a stylized transformer-graphic were implemented to the media-stations of the TMW. These graphic-modules should help to make a further visualisation regarding the modes of operation of electrical machines possible.
Schnitt DS-KSL-Motor, Animation

Transformator, Aufbau
Transformator, Aufbau
historische Transformatoren
historische Transformatoren
Ing. Barth, DI Seebauer und MAS Zwettler bei der Übergabe im TMW
Ing. Barth, DI Seebauer und MAS Zwettler bei der Übergabe im TMW
1 1212136977 48149

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